Thursday, July 10, 2008

Vacation Bible School

The kids did VBS this week and really had a good time. Syndl even got to go so Willie and I got three mornings this week to ourselves. The kids learned about Daniel in the lions den, about the paralized man that Jesus healed. They did all kinds of crafts and learned all kinds of songs. On parents night Zeona was sitting with me and she was just repeating to herself "Faith, hope, Love." I just thought it was so cute. I got pictures of the kids doing the performace for each class but the church was so dark they didn't turn out so I got pictures of the kids in the class rooms.

william's class all got to put on clown noses for there performace and got to take them home he really likes that.

Zeona and Syndl got a picutre in front of the lions den that was set up in Zeona's classroom.

Syndl crouching down on a bale of hay in William's classroom.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Forth of July

We went to Logan for the holiday weekend to get out of town and we had tons of fun. All of us went swimming in the lake, even Oscar. We camped out and the boys fished didn't catch anything but turtles but they had fun trying. The girls are natual swimmers they went out in the water and just picked up there feet and started to swim. Syndl loves to swim we had to keep up with her. William loves the water but he fights it so he is still learning. We watched the fireworks show that they have on Saturday every year. It wasn't as good as the years before because we weren't as close to the fireworks as we usually are, but they were still pretty. All in all we had a great time and love to do it. We come out every year if we can.

The kids right before we went swimming in the water hole.

Syndl swimming and daddy keeping up.

Even Oscar in the water.

The kids playing in the sand.