This is interesting. I was doing some yard work in our back yard the other day and I thought all that grew in our back yard was weeds, to my surprise I found this flower. It was a single flower nothing else around it. I also thought that it was really interesting I had never seen a flower like this before. It has five small flowers in the middle that come out around and then what I call spider like legs around all of the flowers. If anyone knows what kind of flower it is I would love to know. I only saw it that one day or dog Oscar kind of broke it to pieces the next day. But it was great to see what kind or things God puts on our earth for us to enjoy and so many of us take them for granted. Hope you enjoy the flower as much as I did.

Here is the flower from a front view.

If you look closly you can see the five small flowers in the middle that come out and then the spider legs around them.